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Thursday, April 28, 2011

God The Three In One John 14:1-27

As I read our scripture passage today, I imagine Jesus trying to explain the Trinity to his followers. He wanted them to know that although he must leave them physically he will not be abandoning them. I have written a poem below which is my take on the Trinity. I'd encourage you to read the passage first and then the poem.

God is so amazing. Because He loves us completely He will never leave us. Bask in that today.

Read today's passage here John 14:15-27

God is Spirit
hovering over creation
A Counselor, directing
choices and relations
although He is divine
Alone He is not God
one of three you see
do my words seem kinda odd?

God is the Word
made flesh to dwell among us
Sacrificial Lamb
Salvation victorious
Divine yet fully man
still not God complete
Without the other two
God is not replete

God is Abba Father
Daddy from on high
He knows our every need
Love he does supply
A third part to the puzzle
He makes God complete
To understand Him fully
surely is a feat

The Triune God is special
There is no separation
He is timeless yet unchanging
speaks to every generation
The Alpha, The Omega
The Beginning and The End
He is Our True Salvation
our sins he came to rend

God is a Gentle Whisper
tickling your ear
A Still Small Voice inside
beckoning you near
He will not force his love
but he speaks to you the same
All that he requires is
for you to call His name

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