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Thursday, May 5, 2011

2 Corinthians 4:1-6

 Don't you agree that sometimes it is very hard to tell someone the truth?  Do you struggle with being honest with a friend or family member when they ask your opinion with  a loaded question?  For example, do you remember the insurance commercial that played regularly for a few months; the one with "honest Abe" Lincoln and his wife?

She is preening in front of a mirror and asks the inevitable question, "Does this dress make me look fat?"  I feel for Abe when ever he is faced with having to tell the truth.  Did you ever think how our pastors face this dilemma every time they get up in front of us on Sunday morning?  One of the New Testament Commentaries on the Scripture selection for this day reads as follows:

There is a constant temptation in the ministry to preach what people want to hear rather than what they need to hear. Sermons that confront a congregation with their spiritual shortcomings do not usually result in a pat on the back. Instead, they quite often yield criticism and hostility. 

Let's remember to pray for our preachers every week, pray they can speak the truth in love and tell us what God wants us to learn and to hear and not what will make us happy.

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Read the text for today here at Biblegateway.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for this inspiring message! I will keep my heart and mind open to hear the message God is sending to us through our Pastors.