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Friday, May 6, 2011

I Saw That! 1 Peter 2:1-12

My husband started his new job this week. Our six week vacation has come to an end and we are excited to meet and serve the people in our new church and community. It is going to take awhile though to know who everyone is.

It has been funny, whether I walk into church or the store, I can feel eyes on me. I don’t know who people are yet but they know me. I am reminded that as a Christian I am being watched. Our passage today says, “Always let others see you behaving properly…” I am reminded through these words that what I do matters. How I behave in public reflects my relationship with God.

This can be scary at times because no one knows better than me that I am not perfect. I have to remind myself daily that I am saved by God’s grace too. This grace does not release me to sin, rather it gives me a reason to succeed.

Weather they are the eyes of your children, grandchildren, spouse, neighbor, or store clerk remember people are watching you. Let’s commit to keeping our focus on God so that one day, “they will honor God by telling the good things they saw you do.”

Read today passage at Biblegateway 1 Peter 2:1-12

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