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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Acts 9:10-22

Have you ever wondered how God could use you to reach out to someone else?  In the early days of our Christian walk, many of us wonder this because we know what goes on inside our heads and inside our hearts.  We know our sins and our weaknesses and we acknowledge that we are still questioning our own faith.

Well, guess what?  I discovered God knows these things even better than we and that is precisely why He wants to use us.  God uses ordinary, everyday sinners to touch other everyday ordinary sinners.  He wants to make us extraordinary.

The Scripture for today is an illustration of God using Ananias to witness to Paul.  Ananias knew of Paul by reputation and he was none to excited about going to Paul. "But the Master said, "Don't argue. Go! I have picked him as my personal representative to non-Jews and kings and Jews. And now I'm about to show him what he's in for—the hard suffering that goes with this job." (Acts 9:15-16)

God had big plans for Paul and Ananias was part of that plan.  God has big plans for you and for me too.  Do you know of a time when you felt God using you to reach someone who did not know Him yet?  Was it awesome?  Please tell about it.

Read the Acts 9:10-22 text here.


Unknown said...

Judy I know that this message is very special to me. I was given the wonderful opportunity to get a new puppy and irish wolfhound, and the trainer we worked with told me that he would make a wonderful Therapy Dog that could visit at the hospitals. I was very doubtful that I could do this but she told me that God needed us to use our skills and gifts to reach out to others. I was inspired and my wolfhound took his test and became a therapy dog and now we are blessed to be able to visit and bring joy and hope to the children in the hospitals every week.

Judy Webb said...

How wonderful. I know the therapy dogs are a welcome treat too. When Dave was in the hospital on two different occasions, a dog came to visit and it really lifted his spirits. Thanks for serving like that.
