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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Romans 15:1-13

How many times have I watched the news and commented how nice it would be to hear some good news, to read uplifting and encouraging stories.  I find that I want this most after hearing a story filled with hope.  I tend to devour stories that warm the heart; stories of survival or determination.  I love the tales of the underdog winning against all odds, don't you?

When I wolf down the daily news, either broadcast or print, I find my attitude changes.  I become more worldly--tougher--so to speak.  The days I forgo that connection to this world and study my Bible to see what God has to say about life; to take in what has happened in the past and compare it to where we are today, I am hopeful.  I am learning that my knowledge of the Scriptures affects my attitude toward today and tomorrow.

The more I allow the Holy Spirit to teach me about what God has done before, the more confidence I have in what He will do tomorrow.  One way I accomplish this is by journaling my life.  I can go back to a year ago today (or two or five) and read what was happening to me and/or around me May 7, 2010, then review my journal entry for today and see what God has done.  This increases my trust that God's will is best.

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. (Romans 15:4)

This is one way the Holy Spirit fills my life with joy, peace and hope.  Will you share your feelings here?

You are invited to email your thoughts or comments as well as commenting on the blog.
Read the Romans 15:1-13 text here.

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