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Friday, May 27, 2011

John 20:19-29

Are you one of those trusting people who will believe what you are told, even if a stranger makes the statement?  I am not, and it used to drive my husband crazy.  Anytime he would repeat something he heard from a customer I would pepper him with questions about the statement, usually ending the discussion with, "You believe everything you hear?"  I am sure he didn't, he only shared those things with me that he did believe were true, but my negative nature questioned everything.

I have probably missed some mighty blessings because of my behavior.  Thomas could have missed out too, but Jesus gave him another chance to see and believe.  That second chance came at a price though.  Thomas missed a blessing because he didn't trust the word of his fellow disciples.  Jesus even told him, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." (John 20:29)

"Stop doubting and believe."  These were Jesus' words to Thomas.  I wonder how many times Jesus has said that to me.  Having faith is not an easy thing to learn.  It is our struggles with life that increase our faith - confusing, isn't it?  I am learning this is true.  My current pain and struggle with life has only strengthened my faith.  I have to lean on God and trust Him.  That is belief to me.

Read the John 20:19-29 text here.

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