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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Luke 7:11-17

You might think I am way out in left field when I tell you what the scripture for today first brought to mind, but here goes.  I want to know more about the young man Jesus restored to life.  I want to know what the boy thought of the experience.  I want to know how this young man's life was changed because of his brief encounter with the Savior.

Even more, I want to know how his mother reacted, I want to know what the next day looked like in both of their lives.  What about the crowd who witnessed the miracle; did their lives change at all?  Did they view death in a new light after this experience?

What about you? Have you experienced the touch of Jesus?  Has Jesus impacted your next move?  Has His love for you made a difference in how you interact with other people?  "They were all filled with awe and praised God. “A great prophet has appeared among us,” they said. “God has come to help his people.” (Luke 7:16)

The last six months of my life have been filled with the presence of God.  I have felt Jesus' touch like never before.  I have witnessed miracles in an age when some don't believe miracles occur any more.  The Master's touch has changed me and I pray these experiences will make a difference in many lives.  How about you?  Have you heard Jesus whisper, "Don't cry," (Luke 7:13a).  Won't you share with us by commenting?

Read the Luke 7:11-17 text here.

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