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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

When Opportunity Knocks Acts 9:36-43

Today’s scripture passage is one of the fun ones where God does the unimaginable and raises someone from the dead. Today’s passage tells of a woman in Joppa, named Tabitha, who died. She was a follower of Christ who was also very generous. Some of the people she had served heard Peter was close by and hurried to retrieve him, thinking perhaps he could do something about Tabitha’s situation.

Upon Peter’s arrival he clears the room of the widows and mourners and brings Joppa back to life. Of course everyone who hears is amazed, so Peter stays in Joppa for awhile so that the Gospel message could be told.

Can’t you just see it? With a miracle like this Peter hangs around knowing that there will be many more receptive hearers to the message of God. We as followers can learn from Peter. When God moves in our lives that is the perfect time to stick around and share the story, so others can learn about God.

My father died a little over three months ago. God didn’t raise him from the dead but that doesn’t mean He didn’t perform any miracles. God prepared each of us, in my family, in very personal ways for my father’s passing and I have had so many opportunities since his death to share with others how amazing God was through the seventy-seven days of his illness.

Tabitha coming back to life and my father dying are not the issue here. What really matters is that God moved and because of that others can respond by accepting the saving grace of God.

Read today's passage at Acts 9:36-43

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Faith gives us eyes to see all of the miracles that surround us each day, even when the world is skeptical. Turning water into wine? Well,they say, maybe that's a magic trick. However, I know that I have a miraculous God when he changes my heart, reforms my desires, and gives me love for the unlovable.