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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ain't Love Grand? 1 Corinthians 13

Back in April, a couple weeks before Easter, we spent two days on these verses. Now, during VBS (Vacation Bible School) we are addressing them again.  There must be something very important and profound about love.  What do you think?   Is love significant in your life?

"And now I will show you the most excellent way."  This sounds awfully significant to me.  Think about it, love is the most excellent way. Our lives are filled with love, different types of love and different focuses as well.  We might love our brothers and sisters, and also love our pet; but these loves are different.  I love a good book or a great dish of ice cream, but that love is different and cannot be compared to loving a family member.

When a relationship is experiencing difficult times, love hurts.  During those seasons in our lives when we are happy and contented and feel loved, all is right with the world.  How many times have we heard of someone struggling with trust and peace only to find they were deprived of love during their childhood years.  Love is the most excellent way for sure.

Read 1 Corinthians 13 at

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