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Monday, June 6, 2011

Joel 1:1-12

The presence of bugs will usually cause us to change our ways.  If I see ants in the kitchen all I have to do is look and most likely some of the dog's food spilled over onto the floor and drew the ants inside for a meal.  If I suddenly notice an abundance of mosquitoes buzzing through the house there is most likely a window open or a screen torn somewhere allowing their entrance.  Bugs are a nuisance and we do everything we can to avoid living with them.

The text for today is about locusts, which were very prevalent in Biblical times.  According to National Geographic they occur in many parts of the world, but today locusts are most destructive in sustenance farming regions of Africa. The story of the swarming locusts in the Book of Joel is factual, and also a prophecy from God to His people.  Joel was warning his people to turn to God and stop their sinful behavior or something even worse than locusts would befall them.

Where are the swarming locusts in your life? What is threatening your well-being and very future? Is there sin permeating your happiness and robbing you of joy? A question posed in the Serendipity Study Bible I find worth pondering. Is this plague a punishment for sin, or a test of faith?

Read Joel 1:1-12 text here.

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