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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Now That I Have Your Attention... Joel 1:13:20

Yesterday we saw how the appearance of pests gets our attention. In the book of Joel, God is getting the attention of the people of Israel through locusts. No one likes to have their lives disturbed, but God dislikes how we allow our lives to disturb His plan. So often when things are going smoothly we drift off the path God has set out and He sends a wake-up call.

Today we see a way out of the trials that come from our wandering. Fast, pray, mourn! It seems simple, but when we wander it is hard to get back on track. God does not take our wandering or our returning lightly. Our Heavenly father simply wants us to mourn our sin, pray for forgiveness and healing, and to remove any obstacles that may hinder our focus from Him.

Our passage today says that the people of Israel said, “LORD, help us! The fire has consumed the wilderness pastures, and flames have burned up all the trees.” The people of God call out to God for help. And as we will see later God will hear.

Is there an area of your life where God is trying to get your attention? Try doing what Joel suggests. Mourn the sin if you can identify it. Pray for healing and fast from things that distract from what God is doing.

Read today's passage at Biblegateway Joel 1:13-20

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