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Friday, June 10, 2011

Joel 2:18-27

I find myself searching God's Word for answers every day.  I am so conflicted during this season of grieving, that I can't seem to make a decision; at least not one I will move forward on without changing my mind a dozen times.  I am learning that God wants me to be searching His Word every day.  He desires that I come to Him with my problems and my pain.

Was there a time when you felt as if God didn't care or that He had left you hanging?  I am finding the Book of Joel to be filled with God's promises to always be there for us, no matter how we feel; to always take care of us no matter what situation is causing us pain.  God is faithful to forgive, heal, love and protect even when we have not acted in a manner deserving of this treatment.

Joel's assignment from God was to tell the people God wasn't going to put up with their behavior for long, and their behavior had consequences.  Joel also told the people about repentance, about forgiveness and about God's faithfulness and His compassion.  The last segment of Chapter two we find God answering the people and promising health, happiness, security and live everlasting, upon their turning to Him.  

As for me and you, take comfort; Truly, God will make all things right.

Read the Message version of Joel 2:18-27 at by clicking here.
Read the NIV version of Joel 2:18-27 at by clicking here.

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