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Saturday, June 25, 2011

John 13

Our scripture passage today is another popular one. We have all probably heard the story of Jesus washing his disciples feet, countless times over the years. Some of us may have even participated in a foot washing service ourselves. Why is this passage talked about so often?

The night of Jesus’ arrest he shares the Passover meal with his disciples. Knowing that Judas was going to hand him over to the Jewish leaders, Jesus takes the time he has left, for one more lesson. What lessons in school do you remember the most? I remember the lessons where I was able to participate, but I really remember the ones that took me by surprise.

Jesus definitely takes his disciples by surprise with this final lesson. I just love how Jesus shows his followers how he expects them to serve others, through his service to them. Jesus removes every excuse that could possibly be given for not serving others.

If it wasn’t beneath Jesus it shouldn’t be beneath the disciples (or us) to serve others. If Jesus didn’t feel that, what he was going through personally gave him reason enough to take the night off, we too shouldn’t take a break if we feel the pressures of life surrounding us.

This passage explains that the essence of serving Christ is through serving others, “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”
Read the entire passage at Biblegateway John 13

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