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Friday, June 3, 2011

This is Not A Competion John 3:25-36

At first glance of today’s scripture I want to chuckle. John the Baptists disciples are complaining because more people are going to Jesus to be baptized then they are John. It seems ridiculous to me that they would feel they are in competition with the King of kings. Of course when you think about it they did not really know who Jesus was, even though John had explained to them that, “‘I am not the Messiah. I am only here to prepare the way for him.”

We have no excuse though today. We know Christ is the Messiah. We understand that He is the way, the truth, and the life yet so many still feel they are in competition with Him. As a youth director I would get families who were upset when we had a youth Bible Study during the week. They would say that their child was already too busy with school activities and now they had this to add to their calendar.

I may be hitting a nerve here, but think about what I am saying. Are Bible studies, or worship services something we have to add to our calendar? Do they get in the way of the other things we want or need to do? If so then we are too busy. Christ is not the one getting in the way of our life. Life gets in the way of our relationship with Christ.

I am not saying we need to be at church every night of the week, if that was true then we would never have an opportunity to tell others about Christ. I am saying though, that if we don’t have time to spend with Him because we are too busy, we don’t really know who the Messiah is.

Ready today's passage at Biblegateway John 3:25-36

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