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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Change Is Hard

Do you like change?  Don't worry if you are not a fan of change, you are not alone. So many of us feel comfortable living in the safe world of consistency.  Peter was one of those people and whenever Christ challenged the way Peter viewed things, Peter rebelled.

Peter was the one who said he would never deny Jesus, but the night everything in his world changed as Jesus was arrested, Peter was quick to have a memory lapse. 

Peter also didn't like Jesus changing his idea of who the Messiah would be by washing his feet like a servant. He would much rather be the one washing Jesus' feet.

In today's passage God is showing Peter a new menu for his Jewish pallet and Peter quickly says, No.  But after God explains that it is OK to change his former way of thinking, Peter relaxes and obeys.

It is hard to change but sometimes God is calling us to do things differently.  He does not want us to ever abandon his word, but there may be a person He wants us to reach and that may mean seeing things through God's eyes.

If change is hard for you, ask God to show you his will and help you release control, seeing him as a consistent force we can depend on even in the midst of change.

Read the Acts 10 Scripture text.

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