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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Don't Lose Hope Acts 9:20-31

Is there someone in your life who you wonder if they will ever know Christ? Maybe they have rejected him for years and they seem perfectly happy doing their own thing. Perhaps you know someone who has been hurt in a way that has led them to question if a good God could actually exist. Maybe you are close to someone who is devoted to a different god and so you have given up ever thinking they will surrender to the One True God.

Don’t lose hope. Our scripture passage today shares the start of Saul/Paul’s ministry. Saul was a devout Jew set on the destruction of Christians everywhere. Never did the Christians in Damascus ever imagine that they would be lowering Saul in as basket in, an attempt to save him so he could preach Christ another day. That is exactly what happened though, because one day the God in heaven got a hold of Saul and changed him forever.

So, do not give up on your friend. Don’t stop praying for them and loving them because no one is beyond God’s grace and hope.

Read today's passage at Biblegateway Acts 9:20-31

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