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Friday, July 22, 2011

Left in a cloud of dust -- Acts 13:51-14:7

"So they shook the dust from their feet in protest against them and went to Iconium.  And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit."  (Acts 13:51-52)

Isn't it fascinating how the disciples are able to move on to Iconium, just like that. These men must have been so confident in their mission and the One who taught them, they did not keep trying to change the people. They didn't feel like they had failed and needed to prove something.  What a lesson to learn from these verses. Jesus instructed them well, and He also taught by example.  Even though Paul was not a follower of Jesus while He was still on the earth, he knew what Jesus wanted.

We can have this same peace when we are rejected or persecuted; we can move on without regret and without turning back. All we need is to have the closeness to Jesus every day by embracing His Word before stepping out. When we share our faith with others it is not our job to change their heart, to convince them of anything.  That is the job of the Holy Spirit; we are only to be available, to be willing to share.

Oh, there is one more verse I wanted to make note of, “And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.”  A close relationship with Jesus, time spent in His Word, result in an inexplicable joy.  To think these men were run out of town, threatened and who knows what else, and they were filled with joy.  I want some of that too.

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