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Thursday, July 21, 2011

This is NO vacation! Acts 13:14-50

Looking back at a journal I was writing in a number of years ago, I ran across a few entries during the week of my second mission trip.  The entries from the first two days were embarrassing to read.  My whining attitude makes me blush.  One of my first pages read something like this, "Well, you'd think I would have remembered how hot it gets here.  I am so uncomfortable, the sweat is just pouring off of me. Now I have to walk up this incredibly big hill, in the dark, for a meeting.  Why did I do this again?"

Yesterday we began looking at Paul's first missionary journey. The text today finds Paul in Antioch preaching the Good News to the Jews in the Synagogue.  Paul and Barnabas go there because they know they will have opportunity to talk to the Jewish people. Many of them listened intently and then believed.   But, the Jewish leaders cannot accept Christ as the Messiah.  They have this vision of a strong and forceful military conqueror, not the servant Jesus proclaimed to be, as their Savior.

The leaders attempted to influence others to reject these teachings and to run the followers of Jesus out of town. They were threatened with bodily harm and expulsion from the country they came to witness to.  The Word of God could not be stopped by the self-absorbed Pharisees.  God blessed the work of Paul and Barnabas and the others.

"The word of the Lord spread through the whole region. But the Jewish leaders incited the God-fearing women of high standing and the leading men of the city. They stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from their region." (Acts 13:49-50)

I am quite certain their living conditions were not the most comfortable and they probably did not know where there next meal would be coming from, but I cannot imagine any of their journal entries read anything like mine.  Wouldn't it be fun to take a peek at one of them.  Perhaps tomorrow that is what we will do.

Read Acts 13:14-50.

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