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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ready for a Jail Break?

What or who do you find yourself chained to today? Are you physically chained to a bed, a dialysis machine, an oxygen tank? Are you emotionally chained to a hurtful memory, a painful relationship, a grieving heart? There are times in our lives when we find we are bound to a life we did not choose for ourselves. When this happens it is necessary we also examine where our spiritual chains are are connected.

When trouble surrounds us, when pain overwhelms us, when life meets us face to face our spiritual chains need to be firmly attached to those who can pray for us. Life is dangerous, as Peter can testify. The scripture today reveals that James has been put to death and Peter is imprisoned, awaiting a trail. Peter is physically chained to his guards, but those chains will not stop God from moving.

Nothing and no one can stop the will of God. When God has a plan for you, for your life, not even being chained to two guards in a locked prison cell will contain you. When the people who love you are praying for your deliverance, God will move. Acts 12 is about the power of God; the power of prayer and why we can trust God with everything.

When I allow God to guide me, when I include God in my daily plans, my future looks bright. There are no chains that can hold me back.

Read Acts 12 here.

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