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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Acts 17:16-34

What an awesome communicator God created in Paul! He was able to personally relate to people as he preached, reasoned, questioned, and made declarations proclaiming God’s divinity. According to scripture, at the synagogue in Athens, Paul addressed the Jews and God fearing Greeks. First he gave them credibility by acknowledging that they were in every way religious, and then he slam dunked it with replacing their “unknown god” with one who is real. “A God we can reach out for,” were his words. What a vision he created in their minds!

He met them right where they were at. This reading concludes by stating that a few men became followers and believers after Paul’s encounter with them. Just think about the impact WE could have if we were all more willing to meet people where they are at, and relate to them as Paul did when describing our God. We all have that ability. Paul, as well as all of Jesus’ disciples, was a simple man. God tells us that there is strength in weakness. He uses our weaknesses to strengthen us and others, and to draw us closer to Him.

We all too often think we do not know our bibles well enough, or may not be able to properly speak to questions others may ask of us. The message Jesus leaves with his original twelve in Mathew 28:19 is for you and for me. Please go to Mathew and be reminded of our charge. We are to be God’s 13th disciple! 

Read the Acts 17:16-34 text here.

This is Sunday, my day of rest.  The devotion you just read was written by a guest, Gail Huberty, my sister.  Thanks Gail, I look forward to more.

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