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Friday, August 26, 2011

Acts 28:1-15

Has life ever suddenly taken a huge turn?  Have you ever wondered what tomorrow would bring, given the day you just experienced? Imagine Paul, just off a ship that piled up on the rocks, safely on the shore when..."Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand. (Acts 28:3)

Some days I feel like I am exactly where God wants me to be.  Some days I have no doubt God is orchestrating my life.  Some days seem almost too perfect -- certainly God has had His hand in this feeling of well-being.  God had promised safe passage to Paul and nothing could stop him from reaching Rome.  The trip didn't have to be easy, but Paul would find himself in Rome.

We have been promised things as well; hope, joy, peace, love, salvation - we only have to reach out for them.  As Christians we have not been promised smooth sailing on the seas we travel, only that we will arrive.  The stage was being set for Paul to begin ministering in the most influential city in the world, Rome.  Just think of all the things Paul endured on this journey.  God was persistent.

The Life Application Commentary points out, "all the forces of hell seemed to have been intensifying their efforts to keep Paul from reaching Rome."  Are you feeling as if the forces of hell are moving against you?  Take heart, we are in good company.

Read the Acts 28:1-15 text here.

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