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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hard-hearted Left Behind - Acts 28:16-29

I have heard that one day God will remove His protective hand from those who continue to reject Him; countries and individuals alike.  That is such a scary thought to Christians who rely on God's guidance and love to move through each day.  I cannot imagine going even a day without the knowledge that God is with me.

Just today I was feeling unsettled; thinking perhaps this life wasn't going to work out for me.  I was regretting the fact I was alone, with no one to laugh with, talk to or be silent with.  I wrote, "After living with and for someone forty-one years it is now time to enter the alone stage." It was then God took me to the devotional booklet I use daily and I read:

Daniel dined and prayed alone, Elijah sacrificed and witnessed alone, Jeremiah prophesied and wept alone.  Paul said: "No man stood with me..."  Okay, I get it, I am not alone and never will be, and once again God showed up just when I need Him to.

The Scripture verses today make me sad.  God is telling Paul that it is time to let the Jews go their own way because the Gentiles are ready to hear and accept the Word and they are not.  God is giving permission once again to shake the dust from their feet. Paul now will direct his ministry to the Gentiles who are receptive.

Read the Acts 28:16-29 text here.

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