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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Claim Your Citizenship - Acts 22:23-30

As Christians we are citizens of Heaven even though we live in Ohio or Wisconsin or another country in this world. Citizenship affords us some privileges. Upon reaching a certain age I can get a driver’s license, get married, vote and apply for Social Security benefits. 

As a citizen of heaven, I have God’s promise of a better life someday, a healthy body and a new name. I didn’t buy this, but Jesus did. I didn’t earn this right, but grace has been bestowed upon me and I am forgiven and free.

In the lesson today, Paul is claiming his Roman citizenship to save him from a severe beating and possibly even save his life. Paul knew he had many people to reach yet, and he also knew the value of his citizenship. He had a right to a trial before punishment and he spoke up.

"The commander went to Paul and asked, “Tell me, are you a Roman citizen?”

“Yes, I am,” he answered.

Then the commander said, “I had to pay a lot of money for my citizenship.”

“But I was born a citizen,” Paul replied.

Those who were about to interrogate him withdrew immediately. The commander himself was alarmed when he realized that he had put Paul, a Roman citizen, in chains.
(Acts 22:27-29)

It is good to claim our citizenship, to take advantage of the rights and privilege which accompanies our status. As people who have been claimed by Christ we have a duty to share that with others; to offer the same opportunity to our neighbors. Let’s take a lesson from Paul and speak up.

Read the Acts 22:23-30 text here.

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