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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Keep Telling Your Story - Acts 23:1-11

In the Christian recovery ministry, members often tell their story (lead) or testimony. It is called sharing our experience, strength, and hope with one another. Many times after sharing the story of my recovery journey with folks, they will stop me to say how my talk resonated with them. They will then share some of their journey with me and I can see how God has been at work in my life for many years.

People in recovery who share their story over and over again don’t necessarily enjoy doing it, but we know how important it is for people who are hurting and struggling their way through life to hear the tale of someone who has been there and came out on the other side. Christian recovery is so special to me, as I am able to share the power of Jesus, my personal ‘higher power’, with someone who does not yet know Him.

"The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.” (Acts 23:11)

Every Christian is on a recovery path. Paul is no different; his journey is one which took him from persecutor to persecuted, from enemy to friend. Jesus revealed to Paul how vital his story is and that others need to hear. Now Paul is on his way to Rome to tell it again. “I love to tell the story, of Jesus and His love…”

Read the Acts 23:1-11 text here.

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