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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

God's Promise Prevails - Acts 26:2-32

There have been times when trying to comfort someone who is in the midst of a difficult season I try to explain how God sees the big picture; that He knows what is going to happen next.  In fact I have had to draw upon that very idea when trying to deal with grief.  I have tried to explain away why something so hurtful had to take place, before the good could be recognized.

One of the reasons I write in a journal everyday is so I can look back a month, year or even more and identify where and when God was moving in my life.  I find such comfort in watching God's hand orchestrate my story.  Of course, this means I have to give up control, but it is worth it.

"The king rose, and with him the governor and Bernice and those sitting with them.  After they left the room, they began saying to one another, “This man is not doing anything that deserves death or imprisonment.”
 Agrippa said to Festus, “This man could have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar.” (Acts 26:30-32)

It is fun to read the goings on in Acts right now.  Paul is still telling anyone who will listen that he is innocent of the charges the Jewish leaders have brought against him.  And, every time he does this he has the opportunity to tell the story, the Good News.  The big picture is God's story and Paul knows this is true.  He has given up control and is letting God guide his steps.  What faith that requires!  God has promised Paul will go to Rome and he is on his way.  I wonder what God has planned for Paul in Rome.  Stay tuned for the rest of the story...

Read the Acts 26:2-32 text here.

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