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Sunday, September 11, 2011

1st Peter 1:17-23

Write a message for September 11th? I feel it an honor, but what can I possibly say to offer truth and solace for so many? What words can I mold from the clay of this life to reveal the purpose in that great tragedy ten years ago today?

In my Bible, the title of this section is “Be Holy,” and the first paragraph ends with, “Be holy because I am holy.” Then it references three separate passages in Leviticus, 11:44-45, 19:2, and 20:7 that again make mention of being Holy and how to do so, but quite briefly. I surely have not spent much time in Leviticus, have you? I invite you to go there. What does it really mean to be Holy? How can I be Holy? God calls me to be, but what does that look like? It doesn’t really sound possible.

This scripture made me think of songs I have listened to on my I-Pod many times during summer walks (A great way to regenerate physically and spiritually by the way :) and the lyrics of “What Do I Know of Holy,” by Addison Road gently tug at my heart. Its message offers me a clear vision of just what Jesus meant when he said “Love one another deeply from the heart.” This song inquires, “Where have I even stood, but the shore along your ocean?” Is that what so many of us do, just stand by the shore and watch the trials of others, perhaps empathize a bit? That’s not our directive.

Loving one another deeply from the heart is exactly what those men and women selflessly did at Ground Zero in 2001. They sacrificed themselves for others. They laid down their lives. God has called us to be like Jesus, and they have done just that. It is not for us to judge the aggressors, but for us to be obedient children of God. These heroes of 9/11 deserve our respect, honor, and sincere prayers. Are they not “Holy.?” I’m not sure “What I know of Holy” but they certainly did.

Please listen to the link:

Read Text for Today

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