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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Luke 2:39-52

Have you ever heard the saying, "She is so heavenly bound she is no earthly good,"?  That does initiate a grin because we all know someone who could fill that bill. The lesson in Luke's Gospel today tells how important it is to be well-rounded, Jesus was.

The verse below is one many of us recognize but I need to tell you I never really took in the last sentence, never gave much thought to this because the preceding line about His mother pondering these things, always had my attention.  Now, as I am praying about what God is trying to tell me or show me when I read His Word, I see so much more.

Jesus grew in stature as he physically developed from boy to man.  He grew in wisdom as He matured mentally.  The as he got older he became socially adept.  Scripture says He grew in favor with God and man.  He was loved by others; family members and probably friends and neighbors.  He grew in favor with God indicates He was developing spiritually too.

Jesus knew the Sacred Scriptures, He had them memorized and He understood their meaning.  Young Jewish boys and men studied and read daily.  That is how they Grew up Strong in God's Word.  It is how we will too.

"Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." (Luke 2:51-52)
Read the Luke 2:39-52 text here.

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