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Friday, September 30, 2011

Rebuild for Remnants and Nations - Amos 9:11-15

Life is very tough, don't you agree?  Some days or some seasons are filled with pain, indecision and disappointment.  Recently I was experiencing doubt and wondered if I was really where God wanted me to be.  I felt alone, bored, and without purpose.  These feelings were probably a result of my having been so busy in my previous life that I did not know how to experience "retirement".

I called upon God and all the promises He had made during my years of praying and journaling and seeking His Word for me.  Just that quickly, God found a number of projects I could be working on; things I enjoy and know are not just busy work.

Have you ever noticed how many promises God makes?  His Word is filled with assurances of His faithfulness and His love.  When He promises something you can count on it and trust it will be just what is needed.  The Amos text as read in the Message I found to be very exciting, counting off the promises God made to His people and how they were going to be fulfilled.  Like this from Amos 9:13: "Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won't be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings!

I can testify to the 'everywhere you look, blessings' part of the verses.  When I feel low and lost in my memories of what was and what should be now, God has provided me a special blessing.Without fail I was see a deer or a number of them cross my path, stand in the road looking at me or just grazing alongside the woods.  I see numerous deer each and every day.  Many of them in my own yard.  I know, those who live in the north woods of WI might consider this just a normal part of life, but I know it is God saying, "There you go my child, I am with you always."

Read the Amos 9:11-15 text here.
Note: This picture was taken last night just outside my door.

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