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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Lord's House for all Nations - Isaiah 56:1-8

The Word in Isaiah for this day has such meaning for all of us. The Word is telling all that we are welcome into God's family. The Word is assuring each of us that there is nothing to keep us from God if we want a right relationship. There is nothing we might have done or that might have been done to us, which will make us second-class citizens--neither on earth nor in Heaven.

How many of us know someone who has felt like they can't go to church until they get their life straightened out; become better people. This text today dispels that theory; puts to rest the idea that some are not good enough to enter worship. None of us are good enough--that is why we need to enter worship.

The Scripture is referring to eunuchs, those who had been physically mutilated so as to better serve the king. These men were considered unclean and therefore unworthy. Perhaps a parallel in today's society would be prostitutes, addicts, or others who have done despicable acts; and haven't we all? The Word is saying, "To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose what pleases me and hold fast to my covenant—to them I will give within my temple and its walls a memorial and a name." (Isaiah 56:4-5)

My favorite line in the text today is a familiar one to most. "...for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations." (Isaiah 56:7) This house of prayer is a place which welcomes everyone and there is no preparation, no past life to overcome in order to enter. God only wants us to come as we are and get ready for God to fill our hearts.

Read the Isaiah 56:1-8 text here.

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