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Monday, September 26, 2011

Sing a New Song - Isaiah 42:10-17

The reading today makes me wonder what song we will be singing on the day when Jesus comes at last.  It will most certainly be a new song, one like the human ear has never heard before.  The melodious notes will be so pleasing and many will wonder why we never heard this sound before and then realize why as Every Knee Shall Bend.  The music will be played on heavenly instruments which will make a new and most joyful noise.

 Sing to the LORD a new song, 
   his praise from the ends of the earth, 
you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, 
   you islands, and all who live in them. (Isaiah 42:10)

This is a wonderful way to begin the week.  I want to carry this visual with me today and tomorrow too. I need to believe the promises of scripture and I must cling to everything God says.  How else can we move forward with confidence, reaching out to those who won't hear this miraculous symphony unless they know Jesus?

What do you see in your minds eye when you reflect on the words in Isaiah 42?  What words of praise do you imagine will be sung?  There will most likely be words none of us have heard but we will instantly understand them.  Praise be to God. Come, Lord Jesus.

Read the Isaiah text for today here.

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