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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

False teachers and New Believers - Titus 1:10-16

Titus really had his hands full here.  Paul wanted him to stay in Crete to raise up sound leadership for the new congregations there. Paul gave Titus the responsibility to chose and prepare these leaders. There were a number of things working in the background making it difficult; not the least of which were false teachers.

The congregations were made up of new believers, members who were just hearing about Jesus Christ and learning about the salvation He provided.  New believers are susceptible to incorrect teaching.  When I was new to faith the New Age movement was prevalent.  I know when I first heard about this New Age Spiritualism or New Age cult as some call it; I was attracted to the calming, peaceful manner in which they presented their practices.  It took the wisdom of a seasoned follower to share the truth with me. 

Titus spent much of his time renouncing the deceptive teachings of  Jews who refused to believe in Jesus.  It is easy to understand how fragile a new believers' faith is.  It takes years of reading God's Word, studying scripture and living through life's ups and downs to be secure in our beliefs.  It is important that we pray for new believers, that Satan can't sway them or cause them to doubt.

There are false teachers all around us.  Imagine what a young teen struggles with daily.  Their peers on television and in the movies make their lifestyle seem attractive, when in fact it is some of the false teaching that goes on in this world today.

Read the Titus 1:10-16 text here.  Listen to the Titus 1:10-16 text here.

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