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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Feeling dry, thirsty and parched is exhausting! It is difficult to think of anything else when our bodies are drained and in need of replenishing. We have all felt at some point, perhaps after a workout or physically trying experience, but maybe even following one of life’s journeys, that tired us out physically and emotionally. I’d be willing to bet that during those times, many of us lost sight of what and who our God really is, and what he has promised.

Beginning with John 4:14, Jesus says: “but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed the water I give him will become IN HIM a spring of water welling up to eternal life. IN HIM (or her) the water will provide an endless supply of what we truly need, something not of this world.

Do you think the woman at the well understood this water Jesus spoke of to be something she would actually swallow causing her not be physically thirsty any more? In turn, she would not have to travel to the well and go through the hassle of collecting water? Well, in reality the woman would still have had the need to drink
H2O for her physical well being, but after receiving the blessings of the spirit, IN HER would be a quenching,…. a kind of peace like no other, that would make her see things differently and understand eternity is our true home. The ‘things” of this world hold no promise.
Our hope is IN HIM.

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