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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Share and Share Alike Acts 4:31-37

My five-year-old was at the park the other day enjoying our unseasonably warm fall weather. He contentedly played with a few other preschoolers, who had the same idea, while I enjoyed some adult conversation with the other mothers.

We watched as our children interacted letting their imaginations go.
At one point, during their play, my son brought out his bubbles. Bubbles are always a hit as the kid’s chase the wind blown spheres through the playground hoping to pop any that dare to float within reach.  

Us mothers were only partially attentive until one child reach toward the bubble container and exclaimed, “It’s my turn.” We all held our breath and readied our reaction knowing full well that Evan may not willingly relinquish his toy.

Calmly, Evan replaced the bubble wand into the container and shared with the other child. My heart melted at the site and the other mothers responded with a unison “Aww.” It felt good seeing my son willingly give up something he loved so that someone else could have fun.

Our scripture passage today shows the disciple freely giving of what they have to those in need. Our passage says, “No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.” Let’s model the example of the disciples, and preschoolers everywhere, by sharing what we have with those around us, and then sit back and listen as the angles in heaven collectively say, “Aww”.

Read today's passage here

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