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Monday, November 21, 2011

The Gate and The Shepherd - John 10:7-18

The gate to the sheep's pen was the only true access.  If anyone or anything were found to be inside and they did not enter from the gate - they were predators or thieves, and had no authority to be there.  The Shepherd would be expected to eliminate the intruder.
"Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep." (John 10:7)
One of my favorite pictures of Jesus is the one that depicts Him holding a lamb very close and it almost looks like Jesus is snuggling with the little creature.  It is a picture of compassion, love and peace.  The fact that Jesus cares enough to consider us His sheep and would go after us if we turned up missing is a beautiful picture.
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." (John 10:11)
Jesus knows us inside out, just as a shepherd knows his sheep.  Sheep also recognize the voice of their guardian and no other voice will they respond to in the same way.  As Christians, we distinguish the voice of our Shepherd when we corral ourselves in His Word, hear His voice and follow it to safety and salvation.
A shepherd will go to battle for his sheep, he will doggedly go after any that are lost or in danger.  We have a Shepherd who will do the same.

Read the John 10:7-18 text here.  Listen to a reading of the John 10:7-18 text here.

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