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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Luke 9:1-6, 10-17

Trust. Have faith. Believe. Trust. Have faith. Believe. Trust. Have faith. Believe.

Sometimes I think about how we have been ripped off. It makes sense that "The Twelve" trusted, had faith, and believed.....they could see, smell, and touch Jesus. We are so far removed from that miraculous time we must search deep within ourselves and His Word to be able to comfortably settle into that type of true commitment. Seriously, He fed the multitudes, (five thousand it is written) with five loaves of bread and two fishes? Seeing that would make a believer out of nearly anyone! Not only that, there were twelve baskets of broken pieces of bread left!

Though at times we may feel more like doubting Thomas than one of the Lord's disciples because of our human nature to question, remember, it's kind of like a marriage. It's all or nothing. We can't pick out the parts of the bible that we are comfortable with, holding tightly to that which gives us promise and leave the rest. It's the whole package. Though Jesus' apostles had living proof of His love and power, they still had a very rough life and at times likely thought of heading for the hills. Our lives too can be very difficult, seemingly too much to bear at times. However if we build our lives upon that rock of faith, trust in and live out God's word, and believe he will indeed one day bring us home, we will weather the storm.

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