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Friday, November 25, 2011

John 20:19-31

Has there been a point in your life when you truly felt alive?  Was it just a one-time event or did it occur often?  For almost 20 years I worked for the same company, I did well, but I truly disliked what I was doing.  It was only a job, and once Friday arrived I would leave the workplace and barely give it another thought until Monday morning.

The last job I had was one I loved and knew God had given it to me.  I felt alive, certain I was exactly where God wanted me to be.  It was wonderfully motivating and fulfilling.  From that point on I always pursued  that feeling, not only in my work life but in life in general.

Imagine how the disciples must have felt when Jesus came back to them, taught them a bit more, preparing them for His departure. "Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit." (John 20:21-22)  Jesus has done the same for us.  He left us His Word and when we dive into it regularly we can sense His presence, we can feel Him leading and just know when we are in His will.

Where are you today?  Are you experiencing this Peace from God yet?  Is it a onetime feeling for you, or do you feel it regularly?  Personally speaking I know I will go after this PEACE daily.

Read the John 20:19-31 text here.  Listen to a reading of the John 20:19-31 text here.

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