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Sunday, November 27, 2011

John 21:15-19

Peter denied Jesus, just as we often do.
Jesus forgave Peter, just as He does for us.
How fortunate to have a loving and forgiving God. If we did not, we would be doomed!

Some of the things we humans do, one would think might amaze God. How can he not think, "Wow, she's doing that again?" or "How many times does he have to engage in that and then beg for forgiveness before he learns?" Seven times seventy times I guess, and that's the good news for us!

As we stumble through this world aren't there times you feel like things couldn't be better, and you are able to follow God's commandments with ease, and then bam, you're off the wagon again! I guess He knew it would be like that, so He afforded us the grace of forgiveness. Have you ever been frightened though, that your sin might be too big for God to forgive? I have, and that's a scary place to be. At the beginning of the book of John, our Lord is referred to as "full of grace and truth." Jesus is not like anyone else. He will not, he cannot, let you down. If you put your trust in Him, you will not be disappointed.

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