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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Luke 15:23-32

My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’” (Luke 15:31-32)

This story of the prodigal son has been told over and over again.  We have heard it explained from three separate and unique vantage points.  And, depending on where we are life at the time we hear it, we will be impacted accordingly; with one having more influence over us than the other.

First we see the view point of the youngest son.  He demanded his inheritance so he could go out and see the world and find himself.  This man wanted more than the life he was living, he wanted adventure and freedom.  He needed to be his own man.

If you are a parent, you probably feel for the father of the young man.  You know what is happening in your son's head and his heart.  You understand what he is doing even if you don't approve.  You are smart enough to realize that children have to find their way in the world, they have to make their own mistakes for the lessons they learn to mean anything.

The oldest son feels betrayed.  Perhaps he would have liked to leave as well, but felt a sense of duty to stay with his father, maybe even offering himself up as a martyr, sacrificing his happiness.  Then again, perhaps he already sowed his wild oats and his father was unaware.  Not everyone leaves their home to find themselves.  Some of us just leave our values and morals behind and no one is the wiser.

There are numerous scenarios we can conjure up when studying this popular story.  This week as been filled with stories of relationships; how they fall apart and how vital it is to repair them.  What is the story on your heart this week?  Who is the character you relate to and what do you need to do to repair a relationship?  Don't wait...

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