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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Proverbs 25:1-12

Don't jump to conclusions—there may be 
   a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw. (Proverbs 25:8)

Have you ever jumped to conclusions?  Have you ever thought you had something you witnessed, all figured out, only to find how wrong you were?  Talk about embarrassing moments that humble us!

  In the heat of an argument, 
   don't betray confidences;
Word is sure to get around, 
   and no one will trust you. (Proverbs 25:9-10)

The lessons in this Book of Proverbs are very convicting, don't you agree?  Reading the two verses above I am cringing as I recall a time when I allowed my emotions to rule my better judgment.  It takes a lot of effort to find a good and faithful friend, but it only takes one stupid moment to lose that friend.

   The right word at the right time 
   is like a custom-made piece of jewelry,
And a wise friend's timely reprimand 
   is like a gold ring slipped on your finger. (Proverbs 25:11-12 MSG)

Proverbs is about relationships, like last week’s Scripture verses.  Proverbs contains so much wisdom and it points me in the direction I need to go.  I feel like God is speaking through Solomon and telling me that humility is the only way to build relationship.  I am instructed not to let pride get in the way of my heart.  Pride is at the root of broken friendships and humility is at the center of a lasting bond. (Sounds like a Proverb, doesn't it?)

Read the Proverbs 25:1-12 text here.  Listen to a reading of the Proverbs 25:1-12 text here.

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