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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Genesis 49:10; Luke 3:23,33

I found myself whining again as I was writing in my journal this morning.  Yesterday my new garage door opener decided not to work properly.  It would get to within 3 feet of closing and pop open.  There was nothing there to impede its operation, it just would not close.  I don't like it when things don't work like they are suppose to.  I get an unsettled feeling, anxiety if you will, over something so small.

Right on the heels of this, my devotion time today found me in 2 Kings 6:16-17.  This is the story of an enemy of Israel who tried to capture Elisha by sending an army, a strong force of chariots and horses to surround the city Elisha where was staying.  Elisha's servant discovered their presence in the morning and ran to his master in a panic.  What was Elisha's response?  "Don't be afraid."

How many times do we hear Jesus saying this very thing to us?  Don't be afraid is a command, not a comforting pat on the back.  Why then do I jump into fear the moment things don't go my way?  Do I not trust, do I want things the way I want them and that is that?  I am sensing God is telling me more.  He is using simple things like broken garage door openers to remind me I am not in charge here.

Jesus is coming, Royal Authority is on the way and things as mundane as garage door openers are under His control, not mine.  My everyday life is His to control.  "I serve at the pleasure of the King."

The texts for today can be found at Genesis 49:10; Luke 3:23,33

1 comment:

Judy Mathis said...

Yes! Great reminder today, Judy. When I remember and allow God to control my day, things during my day go a lot better AND I feel closer to God…what a warm feeling of love to carry with me through the day! Thanks for all your writings, friend…you make me think of how I am living my life and where I can work to do better for Him.