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Friday, December 16, 2011

Jeremiah 31:15;Matthew 2:16

I can't even begin to imagine the horror parents of the little boys, back in the time of Jesus' birth, must have experienced. It is hurtful just to read the account, much less experience it. We love our children so much that just the thought they might be hurt is unthinkable.

The verse for today tells of such a time and such a heartache.  The king felt threatened by the birth of a baby.  Can you image being afraid of an infant?  He was afraid because he believed the scriptures which foretold of a child who would be come king.  This is so confusing because if he believed that much why did he not believe it all?

Verse 15 is troublesome and painful to read, but read on... The rest of the story has a happy ending.  Jesus is coming and coming soon.  For Believers, the rest of this story has a happy ending as well.

Jeremiah 31:15-17Again, God's Message:

"Listen to this! Laments coming out of Ramah,
wild and bitter weeping.
It's Rachel weeping for her children,
Rachel refusing all solace.
Her children are gone,
gone—long gone into exile."
But God says, "Stop your incessant weeping,
hold back your tears.
Collect wages from your grief work." God's Decree.
"They'll be coming back home!
There's hope for your children." God's Decree.

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