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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Matthew 1: 18-25

"The Birth of Jesus Christ." Last Sunday we talked about Mary and how she must have felt before, and after she was given the gift of Jesus. What about Joseph? He was really thrown for a loop too. A virgin birth? When that was revealed to Joseph, one can only imagine his thoughts and inner feelings about the whole thing.

That must have been quite a dream Joseph had. He too was told, "Do not be afraid." How could he argue with a voice from the heavens speaking the same words that Mary heard? Bringing the exact same message of hope for the world. Joseph and Mary both must have been thinking, "Why me? I am not worthy of this great honor, it cannot be true."

It was an honor beyond all others, yet a trial like no other. Some account is made of the time Mary spent with her son Jesus, but little to nothing is written about Jesus and Joseph sharing father/son time. It makes me wonder why. God chose Joseph for good reason to be his son's earthly father. When I think of the character of Joseph, a skilled, hard working man, it reminds me of my grandfather. The creations that emerged from his workshop were beautiful, yet he was a very quiet, gentle, and modest man. He did what he believed the Lord intended him to do, in a deliberate and focused manner. Never did I hear a cross word leave his lips. He had a strong, silent presence that required no explanation. This is the same type of man I picture Joseph being. He likely guided Jesus as a child and young boy in the same way a shepherd tended to his flock. Ever watchful, yet gentle when they stray. Though we do not have details of Jesus and Joseph's relationship, I believe we can be confident that God placed his son within the care of one of the most genuine men of all time. Because of the blind faith of Joseph and Mary so many years ago,the words of Joseph's dream are true today, "....and they will call him Immanuel" which means "God with us."

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