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Monday, February 27, 2012

Genesis 15:1-6

What is the desire of your heart?  What is it that you want most in life and feel you need in order to be fulfilled?  I used to dream about winning the lottery and I would also buy those scratch-off tickets hoping to strike it rich by rubbing a coin over the covering to the treasure that awaited me.

Perhaps you dream of being famous, an actor or singer perhaps.  We all have dreams, God created us with desires and longings.  He created us different and unique from each other.  He also created us in His image, so He understands our deep desires and passions.

"After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision:
   “Do not be afraid, Abram.
I am your shield,
your very great reward.”
(Genesis 15:1)

Abraham had a very personal desire or dream.  He wanted to be a dad and his wife Sarah wanted to be the mother of his children.  God promised both of them they would have an heir.  They had been waiting for a very long time, so long in fact, Abraham referred to himself as being "older than dirt". (paraphrased by writer).  But, it came to pass and Sarah gave birth to Isaac.

So, how long have you been waiting for your dream, your hearts desire to become reality?  Getting back to my lottery days, I have moved beyond those worldly dreams and desires.  Material things mean very little.  While I still enjoy a gadget or electronic device, I could live without.  It is not a burning desire.  Now, I simply want to have peace and I want everyone I care about to experience God's peace too.

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