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Monday, February 6, 2012

Isaiah 30:19-26, 32:15-20

Sometimes our consciences can be a nuisance.  Just when we think we are on the right path or on to something good, this niggling voice in our heads begins to chatter away.  It is always wise to pause when this happens; it is good to give more consideration to our next move.

So many times I have had this fleeting feeling that something wasn't quite right.  I couldn't put my finger on it, but my heart just would not give me free rein to move forward.  Often I would ignore this sense of danger or trouble and would live to regret it.  Looking back the next day I could see very clearly the error of my ways.  But, at the time I saw only the 'I factor'.  I want to do this, I don't want to think it over, I want it now...

Remember those cartoons from childhood; the ones with the character contemplating his next move and you see a devil on one should whispering into an ear and an angel on the other doing the same in that ear.  We knew what that meant, but we were curious what would happen with both scenarios.  When this happens to me now, I recognize it as the nudging of the Holy Spirit.  This nudging can be in the way of a stop sign or as a word meant to give us permission to try something new.

Isaiah 30:21 (NIV) 
 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."

When we are close to God, in His Word daily; connecting with fellow Believers on a regular basis, God will guide us to take the right path.  We will understand right from wrong because we understand Scriptures.  We will seek Godly counsel from our accountability and/or prayer partner.  When we listen up, there will always be that voice saying, "This is the way; walk in it."

Read the selected text, Isaiah 30:19-26, 32:15-20, here.  Listen to an audio version here.

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