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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Matthew 13:1-9

This is an interesting parable Jesus is sharing; telling the people about a farmer who is spreading the seed like all farmers do, and explaining about what happens to this seed.  It is the farmers calling to cast the seed onto the ground, but he knows that not every kernel will fall on the soil that has been prepared ahead of time.  Not every grain will germinate and take root.

Some of the seeds will be blown by the wind onto the rocky soil where it will take root quickly, then die.  Others will fall onto very shallow dirt where the sun will burn the seedling before it can grow strong. Still others will land on the path where birds will eat them.  But, some will fall on the fertile land that has been prepared in advance to accommodate the seed and to nurture and grow it up strong and study for the harvest. 

"Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Whoever has ears, let them hear.” (Matthew 13:8-9)

Spreading the Good News of Jesus is our God given calling.  We are responsible to tell people about Jesus and the difference He has made in our lives.  We are to be Salt and Light in a dark world by pointing to Jesus as our preservative and our illumination.  We are not accountable for these people listening or believing.  No, that is the job of the Holy Spirit. Now doesn't that take the fear out of evangelism?

Read the selected text, Matthew 13:1-9, here.  Listen to an audio version here.

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