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Monday, February 20, 2012

Matthew 4:12-17

Are you afraid of the dark?  Many children have this fear and won't settle down at night without the aid of a night-light.  But, even a night-light will not dispel the anxiety of all children.  What about you, are you fearful of darkness?  Do you get a cold chill when the lights go out unexpectedly and you are thrust into a world of black?

One of the things I have noticed since moving to northern Wisconsin is just how dark the night sky is.  If it weren't for the stars and moon, you would not be able to see your hand in front of your face.  That is how I see the world today; darkness surrounds us, but for the bright moon and stars, I would not be able to move forward.

At the risk of sounding trite or overly simple, Jesus is the light (stars) in a dark sky (world).  My immediate location is filled with bright beams of light allowing me to move forward without fear.  I also know that if I step outside this place - move away from God - darkness will once again surround and suffocate; leaving me afraid of my own shadow.

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”  Matthew 4:16

Jesus came to us as a light in the midst of darkness.  The plan of salvation revolves around Jesus and, as Revelation says, once we are in heaven there will be no need for the sun, moon or stars because the light Jesus casts will make everything else pale in comparison.  Jesus is my night light.

Read the Matthew 4:12-17 text here.  Listen to an audio of Matthew 4:12-17 here.

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