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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Matthew 3:4-12 - Fruit of Repentance

When I hear someone saying life isn't worth living, I can't help but wonder where their heart is.  Sure, there are days when things go wrong, sometimes terribly wrong, and I might even think life stinks, but even those days are doable.  They are survivable when I turn to God for strength and understanding.  We all have seasons when we are in pain, self-inflicted or otherwise, but seasons pass.

The question, "where is your heart?" speaks to our relationships; with one another and with Jesus.  Those days when I feel 'life stinks', it is crucial I have an accountability partner to turn to.  Someone who can help by praying me through my troubles.  We all need an individual to reassure us how much our life matters.

Accountability partners do more than that, they also quiz us about our weaknesses, those areas of our lives where we struggle.  This partner knows us because we have given them permission to ask the difficult questions and expect truthful answers.

This verse from Matthew echoes questions I might hear my accountability partner ask.  They keep me accountable to growth and to bearing good fruit.  They help prune me and then provide much needed nourishment for my soul, called love.  With a friend like this - your enemies are crippled.

"What counts is your life. Is it green and blossoming? Because if it's deadwood, it goes on the fire." (Matthew 3:10 (MSG)

John the Baptist went ahead of Jesus, heralding his arrival, preparing hearts to be changed, lives to be transformed. He preached the necessity of our lives counting because of the healthy fruit we produce. He warned if it's deadwood, it goes on the fire.

Read Matthew 3:4-12 here.

Listen to Matthew 3:4-12 here.

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