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Friday, March 16, 2012

Matthew 9:9-13

Do you avoid doctors as much as I?  Perhaps it is because I don't want to face the truth that we are not super-woman (or man as the case may be).  If I need a doctor that means something is very wrong, right?  As I age I am discovering there is always something that needs to be taken care of.  I either need to recognize the fact that I need more exercise to stay healthy, or I need a prescription to avoid a future issue, like cholesterol troubles.

Jesus' words indicate he came for all of us because all of us need the presence of  a Healer in our lives.  Sometimes I am in denial and won't admit I am ill.  There are seasons in my life I attempt to heal myself, and this is never a good thing. 

Sin is sickness in our lives, and Jesus is telling us He came for sinners.  He is the Great Physician and the One who can cure what ails us.  I know this sounds trite and commonplace, but that is what Christianity is.  It is simple, just not easy.  Before we will call the doctor and make an appointment to see him, we have to admit we are sick.  We have to let our pride off the hook for a time and confess our frailties.  Jesus is the prescription for eternal life.

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." (Matthew 9:12)

Read Matthew 9:9-13 here.

Listen to Matthew 9:9-13  here.

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