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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Revelation 3:14-22 - Jesus stands at the door

There was a scary movie many years ago called, "I saw what you did, and I know who you are."  It was about two teens who were telephone pranking and they just happened to call the wrong person.  All sorts of trouble ensued.

It is scary to think someone might know some of the things we've done.  We will go to great pains to avoid being found out.  Even years after an indiscretion or a single episode using bad judgment, we can be fearful of the behavior being discovered.

Jesus' words, "I know your deeds" (Revelation 3:15), can be sobering.  The truth is Jesus not only knows our deeds, He knows our very thoughts and motives because He sees our heart.  The Revelation text today speaks of this and more.  Because Jesus knows our deeds and everything else we attempt to hide, He knows how we truly feel about Him.

The lesson I am getting from this passage is that I need to go all out for Jesus.  I need to be bold and confident and honest.  My feelings of love can't be strong one day and non-existent the next.  Either I stand with Him and everything He represents, or not.  I cannot have it both ways.  "So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." (Revelation 3:16)

I understand these verses, because one time I was lukewarm - but no longer. Now I understand what it means to have a personal relationship with the LORD.

Read Revelation 3:14-22 here.

Listen to Revelation 3:14-22 here.

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