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Monday, March 26, 2012

Psalm 118:19-29

I always felt as if I were a failure in school.  In grade school the boys made fun of me because of my weight, the nuns didn't like me because of my parents, and I didn't like me either.  This isn't a pity party; it is just the way it was back then.

Then I entered high school and most of my issues were self-inflicted from years of living with low self-esteem.  I shied away from social activities and only hung with two other girls who were much the same as I. Then I grew up, came out of my shell (somewhat) and learned how to be more sociable after entering the workforce.  Living in the world and working to support myself I learned that I could do a lot of things I never thought I could.

But, I still did not feel like I belonged.  It took years of learning about life and allowing me to be open to a personal relationship with Jesus before I was happy with life.  I think this is true of all of us to some extent.  Our background story is different, but many of the same fears and misgivings are the same. It takes a lot of growing up to get to the point in life where we can be content.  It takes a faith in Jesus to feel secure and filled with hope.

Jesus, the man who was rejected, scorned and beaten and then killed became our Savior; the Cornerstone for all Believers.  It is His love that gives me peace and joy.  It is His acceptance and grace that makes life worth living.

 "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone; 
 the LORD has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.
 This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
  (Psalm 118:22-24 (NIV) 

Read Psalm 118:19-29 here.

Listen to Psalm 118:19-29 here.